A message to UK immigration, not they're likely to read this of course but it'll make me feel better.
Being what your system classifies as a "frequent traveller" does not make me a criminal so I shouldn't be made to feel like one every time I have to pass through one of your miserable ports of entry.
OK, so I have made more than my usual amount of trips in the past six weeks ( Amsterdam, Brugge, Lithuania and The Hague) but all were pre booked with a credit card and not by cash at the last minute using a dodgy motor in the dead of night.
The bastards locked me and my car, not to mention my friend Ian in a search room at Dover for over 40 minutes, asked why I'd been to Lithuania at Stansted and interrogated me at Harwich this morning because I'd been " flagged as a frequent traveller".
I can travel anywhere in Europe stress free but it's only when returning to this miserable country do I wish sometimes I'd never bothered leaving in the first place, thanks to those miserable humourless robots that man our borders.
Bring in the Schengen here!!
I always thought there was something fishy about your trips abroad... ;-)