All that was left for my final day was to retrace my steps to Poland and to go home, a travelling day. I posed for a photo wearing an old Soviet military uniform in the hostel and took a few photos, including an odd one of a portrait of Lenin on the wall which had his eyes obscured with a bit of black tape. The marshrootka back to the border was much more comfortable and I had a seat all the way.
I crossed the border with minimal fuss and waited for the minibus back to Przsmysl. It was here disaster struck although I was unaware of it at the time. Once back in Przemyl I went in search of a Polish post office in order to send back the vodka and a few other items as my bag was way too heavy. I opened my small day bag that I just use for a guidebook and wallet and immediately sensed something was missing. I had been carrying a substantial sum of euros in it and when I opened it they were not where I expected them to be. I emptied the bag but my fears were confirmed, they had been pick pocketed. I know I had them in Ukraine on the border as I had them easily accessible in case the border authorities wanted to know how much foreign currency I had. I searched and searched again but I knew they had gone. Either stolen by the hordes of street hawkers that surrounded me by the bus, or more than likely, by a professional thief on the bus. We were literally crammed in so tightly it was dangerous. I could see my bag but my arms were pinned to me so I can only assume I was pick pocketed there. Professional thieves target foreigners on these buses and despite taking reasonable precautions it appeared I had become yet another victim. Devastated I decided to pick myself up as best I could and at least report the matter to the police. I felt very stupid that I had allowed it to happen but it had. The police were good and thorough and I was especially grateful to an administrator who stayed with me the whole time and translated my statement to the policeman. He even arranged a lift for me to the train station in time for my train to Krakow. I was quite surprised to find myself in the back of a Police meat wagon with bars on the windows as my ride to the station.
Well that was the very unsavoury end to my Ukrainian adventure, I had a great time but the theft will mean my last memories of the trip were not good ones and the memories and feeling of it will remain for a long time.